I always start with sketches. Sketching is faster for me, as I can quickly put down ideas as they form in my mind. Seeing my ideas laid out on paper helps me to understand what elements need to be changed or what can be kept.
I quickly set up an idea of how I planned to design the website. I knew that I wanted to showcase the different friendships there are in this world. Friendships can vary from person to person regardless of gender, age, race, religion, or ethnicity.
But how could I show the different friendships without cluttering up the screen?
Slot machines. If I can show different characters by having them flip vertically in a slot machine fashion, it could be seamless design.
I wanted to keep the design in line with Hershey's simple and colorful aesthetic, as this would be an addition to Hershey's collection of holiday themes such as Easter, Christmas, Halloween, and Valentine's Day.