project type
Visual Design & Icon Design


Design Lead, James Thompson
Visual Designer, Corey Hemingway

Procreate, Sketch, and Illustrator

my role
Visual Designer

IBM's Icon Library:  
Develop UI icons for Watson Health using Design Language guidelines. Update IBM's Icon Library as it's part of IBM's Design System. 

The Watson Health team often uses icons for prototype development, Keynote presentations, and other icon-heavy projects.

Sometimes we discover there are no existing icons that would help the Watson Health team present information visually and accurately.

Collaborate, create, and develop several icons for Watson Health and for IBM's icon library. 
Icons for Public View
The design team uses a 32x32 grid to develop our icons.  Each icon was designed based on a keyword that would be used in the search field of the Icon Library. For example, if 'X-Ray' is our keyword of the day, we would design multiple icons that must represent x-ray scans in 2 components or less.  We also have to ensure the icons follow IBM design guidelines, if not, they will be rejected and must be redone. 

For example, if I search 'Watson Health', icons that have been tagged 'Watson Health' should result. If I search 'Retry', icons tagged with the keyword 'Retry' will also result. Each icon was created via Procreate as part of the first ideation process and finally designed in Sketch.  
IBM Icon Library Playthrough

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