UI/UX, Interaction, Visuals, Branding Identity

March 2018
Create a mobile UI Visual Design experience representing Monroe County Parks of Rochester, New York. 

Rework the current Monroe County Parks network website into a new, improved, and visually satisfying mobile experience.

The current website of Monroe County. While the information is presented in a very straightforward way, it's quite boring and a few years outdated. It's now 2019, and we are still seeing headlines of an updated plan for the Seneca Park Zoo from 2015. This was my class assignment; to recreate this website into a more visually appealing and informative site. 
Low Fidelity Wireframes
Color Moodboard Option #1
Color Moodboard Option #1
Color Moodboard Option #2
Color Moodboard Option #2
Color Moodboard Option #3
Color Moodboard Option #3
High Fidelity Wireframes
   Monsterrat Bold - 28 pt

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